204tech2517 » Shared Projects (15)
- 4 different sounds on only 1 guitar by 204tech2517
- underwater by 204tech2517
- drawing shapes by 204tech2517
- Touch the Toucan by 204tech2517
- snowflake in the mountains by 204tech2517
- The chick first time in a maze! by 204tech2517
- The chick running in squares by 204tech2517
- The fox eating the chick and the chick disappears! by 204tech2517
- The chick running upside down. by 204tech2517
- Conditional Loops: Waiting for a Ride remix by 204tech2517
- the race to the carrot by 204tech2517
- the 3 racing animals by 204tech2517
- the panda and the cat by 204tech2517
- a girl by 204tech2517
- Scratch Basics - Helen the Hedgehog remix by 204tech2517