204tech2528 » Shared Projects (29)
- draw a line by 204tech2528
- traveling by 204tech2528
- fly and frog are trapped by 204tech2528
- ratatouie racing with bugi by 204tech2528
- moving with cheese and blueberry by 204tech2528
- Sprites having a conversation by 204tech2528
- Making music by 204tech2528
- Making shapes with Ratatouie and Pasta by 204tech2528
- Nemo and Dory (Scratch project 6) by 204tech2528
- Don't stop clicking by 204tech2528
- Color Slot by 204tech2528
- Snowflake ❄ cloning by 204tech2528
- Egg VS. Orange by 204tech2528
- Running a Maze 1 by 204tech2528
- Trapping a Sprite by 204tech2528
- Butterfly moving by 204tech2528
- I think the chick crazy or is it just me? by 204tech2528
- Animals in the jungle! by 204tech2528
- Avery walking down the street by 204tech2528
- More weird shapes by 204tech2528
- More Shapes w/ a donut by 204tech2528
- Talking in the park by 204tech2528
- Amazing Shapes by 204tech2528
- Donuts!!! by 204tech2528
- Conditional Loops: Waiting for a Ride remix by 204tech2528
- Animation - Basketball Student Modify remix by 204tech2528
- Sushi boy and his new pet! by 204tech2528
- Fun activities with my sister! by 204tech2528
- Scratch Basics - Helen the Hedgehog remix by 204tech2528