236084_5 » Shared Projects (35)
The Mystery of Anaheim Art Museum by 236084_5
3.10A starter remix by 236084_5
Magic Eightball Program by 236084_5
Lesson 3.8 Activity by 236084_5
Name List remix by 236084_5
Depth Sorting 1st remix by 236084_5
Binary Birthday Cake (Exercise 3.4) by 236084_5
Wait, this is the First Remix (Lego Animation) by 236084_5
Password Project (Milestone 4 Group 7) by 236084_5
5th Fleming Island Weather Stats 2022 (236084) by 236084_5
Lines by 236084_5
Polygon Generator 2 (2.8 Exercise A) by 236084_5
5th Test Score Grader Remix (236084) by 236084_5
YAMAHA Online Keyboard by 236084_5
Polygon Generator (2.7 Exercise A) by 236084_5
Halloween Night Mini Game Hub (Halloween Project) by 236084_5
Pass It On - Debugging Procedrure 236084 by 236084_5
debug_4 236084 by 236084_5
debug_3 236084 by 236084_5
Debug_2 236084 by 236084_5
debug_1 236084 by 236084_5
Actual Calculator (Alpha version 2.0) by 236084_5
Actual Calculator (Alpha version 1.0) by 236084_5
Risk or Reward (2.5 Selection) by 236084_5
thirsty starter remix by 236084_5
Days In Month remix by 236084_5
CALCULATOR 2.4 Selection (Mini Activity) by 236084_5
"Snappy" Turtles (2.2 Sequencing) by 236084_5
Plain and bland Project (1.9b Applying Variables) by 236084_5
RUUUUUUUUN (1.9a Applying Variables) by 236084_5
Make a Story V2 (1.8 Variables) by 236084_5
Make a Story (1.7 User Input) by 236084_5
Dreeeam (Animation) by 236084_5
B-Ball by 236084_5
12 Step Tutorial by 236084_5