433944 » Favorites (810)
- Choose Your Adventure Remastered by papipupepappa
- resonate ~ animation meme by -cafecat-
- UNTITLED PLATFORMER || PROLOGUE || by CEOofobamiumresearch
- homework speedrun - a game by maaaaybe
- Raytraced Minecraft (3D) by oh261401
- fast dda by alltrue
- Night Shift - Jam Entry by lpato45
- ⚙️ scratchattach 2.0 ⚙️ reworked Scratch API Wrapper for Python by TimMcCool
- suggest by maaaaybe
- RGB Monospace Display by DogCatPuppyLover
- Rain (pseudo) 3D by Looki2000
- Scratch neural network #AI by LordBaconNerd
- Particle network by NFlex23
- AI Doodle Detector (Neural Network) by Dinosu
- [UNSTABLE] ☁️ YouTube Video + Audio Player by TimMcCool
- ☁ Famous "What's Happening?" Sections by Dinosu
- Turing Machine Programming by lolucky
- Interactive Inverse Kinematics Creature v1.3 #pen #art #animations by MonkeyBean2
- game thing by MonkeyBean2
- Popsicle Match by D-ScratchNinja
- Octopus (Pen Animation) by papipupepappa
- plasma lamp by hirota1ro
- Chamfered Dragon Curve by papipupepappa
- Unfolding Dragon Curve by papipupepappa
- Dragon Curve (Resized) by papipupepappa
- Path-following robot v2 by geek62
- The Collatz Graph [PEN] by haramey
- Planking by lisabc
- 2 animation practices by lisabc
- Unpleasant Adhesives by lisabc
- | June Art Dump | by -CloverWolf-
- | July Art Dump | by -CloverWolf-
- ♡- Rabbit Race -♡ by YHarmUrArt513
- Pixel Farm (Reworked) v1.3.5 by crstalgem228
- Detective Pingu by AlguienContento
- Dijkstra Flood Fill Visualizer by surlo_gamez
- 18 blocks Scrolling Platformer by HDGraphics
- Mousey Creator by -honey_frog-
- the explore page - a game by -Heron-
- ending. by a_mascot
- snek (unfinished) by 433944
- Remix: The Lunes of Alhazen by papipupepappa
- Scratch Boing Ball by papipupepappa
- Equal Area Shape Generator by papipupepappa
- Vector explosion sprite! [UPDATED] by jromagnoli
- Neon Pong by papipupepappa
- Didn’t I do it for you? by PeteyBirdd
- OUT OF ORDER! (There is no game part two) by colinmacc
- Untitled-666 by spelltime
- Grumpy Cloud by super-maker-64
- Watch the Kraken! by coyote_coyota
- Super Simple Fractal by papipupepappa
- The Worm Game by Blue_Pumpkin
- touch grass simulator by dogeiscut
- DUHMY by dogeiscut
- April ART BOMB | Tutorial by Realises
- The Mystic Woods | Art by Realises
- Destroying your rank work AGAIN /hj by lisabc
- goofy chicken creator by moobread
- The Ocean Patterns v.1.2 by -sailing-