70356coolluigi » Favorites (24)
- Please stand by. by theultimateguy02
- Pikmin Platformer by BlazeGamer64
- Lion Speed Draw by smartboy3
- valentines day game (short) by 70356coolluigi
- Legend of Zelda: Scratch Cat's Awakining Test by Crazyking101687
- majoras mask-boss theme by legodz
- zelda majoras mask: nostalgia by jmarquet
- Majoras Mask 3d Trailer by greghead
- Abduction! by Picklepelt
- Very Hot by scratchU8
- The legend of the hero RPG v 1.3 by 70356coolluigi
- Boss Battle Theme - Mario & Luigi: Dream Team VGM by ToadsTunes
- Vector Taco Animations by andrewjcole
- Pokemon Generations by MilloNite
- Final Bowser Battle - Super Mario Galaxy 2 VGM by ToadsTunes
- Electrodome - Mario Kart 8 VGM by ToadsTunes
- Mario clicker(not finished) by coolmario22
- Notebook Hero by cxmmvnbxjvnk
- Super Mario World Movie by 041
- Kirby song by eliasm
- Revenge minecraft song by Poppinlogan
- Sushi Platformer by key01134
- Yoshi Island by thesuperguidegames
- THE DAB PART 2! (feat. AnonymousTV) by QualityTV