Alex789485 ยป Shared Projects (24)
cat vs the world V1.75 (beta) by Alex789485
Catch the star game pc only by Alex789485
i literally have no respect by Alex789485
On the Sleigh by Alex789485
Strider coffin dance! by Alex789485
vote which one should go first on the game swords by Alex789485
A screen shot of my game (not the official realese) the classic by Alex789485
Striders by Alex789485
Me riding a strider by Alex789485
Minecraft Wither Boss Battle hacked by Alex789485
The farm by Alex789485
Strider cult is the right studio to be in by Alex789485
- v1.10 remix by Alex789485
Monster fight dev v1.0 unfinshed by Alex789485
skittles clicker by Alex789485
Ghost a platformer by Alex789485
Angry Birds Level Creator re by Alex789485
Times tables quiz by Alex789485
How to make a platformer(easy!) Credit to zacthecoder4 by Alex789485
Pong game by Alex789485
Space game by Alex789485
Parrot game by Alex789485
Cat story by Alex789485