AlexandraAlpha » Favorites (52)
the adventure of coob by tedrosependragone
Collect (insert coin noise) by tedrosependragone
The Scratchtendo Switch! by Flippy445
SharkyOS V1.7 by sharkyshar
FlipWalk - A Puzzle Game by catblocks2000
2 animation practices by lisabc
Sharky Shorts by sharkyshar
Ramadan Moon Nasheed Animation (WIP) by TwistingTiger_16
Block Breaker v1.23 by -_CR7_-
Scratchy Adventure by Ricky-Jan
Scratch Pianola by colinmacc
Platformer Resources by griffpatch_tutor
Huge Animation Tutorial (mobile friendly) by lisabc
Don't Press The Button! by colinmacc
THERE IS NO GAME! (part one) by colinmacc
DON'T CLICK THE BUTTON by Raptorex73320
15k Q&A Answers! by sharkyshar
Sharky Icon Creator by sharkyshar
Digital Clock by dwseoh127
The Shadow Realm by sharkyshar
Famous scratcher Quiz by sharkyshar
SharkyOS by sharkyshar
Drop Ball (100% Pen) by 2D_Games
Calculator v0.1 by RandomCoder9910
سورة العلق by Jayed-C4l
Untitled-2 by notAyshafr
Change costumes and backdrop @ tedrospendragon by tedrosependragone
snake game by AlexandraAlpha
Radiant-a platformer #games #trending by cs4500119
✎ Design a Plant Pot by Coffee_Cotton
Encanto Personality Quiz by FlowerEmpress
The Land of Stories Personality Quiz by FlowerEmpress
Flip 3D (Bloxorz Remake) [Updated October 2024] by MasterAndras
c4l story project semester final by tedrosependragone
Final Project CS First - Semester 1 2022/2023 by Stuff734
find the items(FTI) -17 items (mobile friendly) by beedooboy
Can Scratch Cat Guess Your Age? #Music#All#Games#Art#Music#All#Games#Art#Music#All#Games#Art#Music by links77
maze game with cat by AlexandraAlpha
My family members while watching movies - NAC round #2 entry || #animations #stories by lisabc
Untitled-7 by tedrospendragon
The Riddle Rooms v1.3! #Games #All #Trending #Escape by SDG_YouTube
Sports ft. eathonyao || #animations #stories #all by lisabc
Different people seeing spiders - @Derble's contest entry by lisabc
Bookmarks. || animation + 4k special! by lisabc
Fortune days || Original code animation meme by lisabc
Motivation by lisabc
kitten ➼ chapter 3 by tildyk
Fill The Gap Platformer by PLAYtntGAMER
Racing Game Starter Project remix by raymustang
Rock Blaster G8 S1 CS remix by raymustang
Maze Game with Cat by Beauty752
Bjorne's Quest - A platformer by Bjorne