AlphabetLoreCat » Favorites (37)
I GOT 83 FOLLOWERS! by AlphabetLoreCat
8 by AlphabetLoreCat
siette | spanish number lore by Pi_DoesStuff
Blue Colored Scratch Cat by TheScratchCatLore
Deh’s Original File But it's @AlphabetLoreScratch egg and bat by seva_2017
cinco | spanish number lore by Pi_DoesStuff
cuatro | spanish number lore by Pi_DoesStuff
tres | spanish number lore by Pi_DoesStuff
Te's Original File But its @AlphabetLoreScratch's Style by AlphabetLoreCat
funny number by AlphabetLoreCat
since yall are waiting for 7 ill show you a leak by AlphabetLoreCat
NLRIS Cast (ADDED 10) by AlphabetLoreCat
I have a disco Server by AlphabetLoreCat
Leak for 7 (Real) by AlphabetLoreCat
Scratch Number Lore: The Series (1-6) by AlphabetLoreCat
Number Lore Scratch Comic Is Here by AlphabetLoreCat
Deh’s Original File But it's @AlphabetLoreScratch by AlphabetLoreCat
Upside down scratch cat by ScratchCatLore
While im at it by hernan_david
7 by AlphabetLoreCat
X (Fanmade) by AlphabetLoreCat
Solar System Exploration by BREKsend
AlphabetLoreScratch followed me! by AlphabetLoreCat
Alek.exe: Lord A Test by CRedDevils8
AYS: Pasta Night but it's some cats (0) by Bob-From-FNF
IM A SCRATCHER! by AlphabetLoreCat
4 Gang Says: (Reupload) by AlphabetLoreCat
6 by AlphabetLoreCat
Pico Mango's Are Becoming Smart 2.0! by Bob-From-FNF
5 by AlphabetLoreCat
5-20 +i and 0 pi ?? by LuckyMagicBee
U by LuckyMagicBee
4 by AlphabetLoreCat
3 by AlphabetLoreCat
U (FanMade) by AlphabetLoreCat
2 by AlphabetLoreCat
1 by AlphabetLoreCat