CloseWave ยป Favorites (25)
TSB Garou Theme (I'm a Monster) by buckZAmillion
TSB Metal Bat's Theme (Iron Will) by buckZAmillion
TSB Tatsumaki's Theme OFFICIAL (Berserk) by buckZAmillion
Death Counter Reposed by RemakeGod
Unlimited Flex Works (Animation) by BerryToons
Jun's Awakening Theme (Supercharger/No More Games) by CloseWave
Aoi Todo's Black Flash Theme (Fight Alongside) by CloseWave
Dragon's Dance - The Strongest Battlegrounds by AutoX14
IKUTO's Theme (Lethal Rampage) by CloseWave
IKUTO S1 E2 Start Hunter by RobloxStudio0
IKUTO S1 E1 Pilot by RobloxStudio0
Table Flip (Animated) by Infinityblue100
Better? by RobloxStudio0
The Strongest Battlegrounds by RobloxStudio0
but its the actual image by ginger_bred
TSB Saitama's Theme (Death Counter) by CloseWave
TSB Tatsumaki's Theme OFFICIAL (Berserk) by CloseWave
TSB Speed O' Sound Sonic Theme (Can You Even See Me?) by CloseWave
TSB Saitama's Theme (Table Flip) by CloseWave
TSB Atomic Samurai Theme UNOFFCIAL (Scorching Blade) by CloseWave
NEW TSB Studio Thumbnail Maybe? by -TheSMETeam-
vote the strongest battlegrounds!!1!1!11!!!1!1! by 31bfei
Starship Official Theme [MINI BOSS THEME] by PixelGamesStudi0
TSB Atomic Samurai's Theme OFFICIAL (Scorching Blade) remix by kergatuz
Monster Upgraded by CloseWave