DanielWaffle » Favorites (25)
- Ant by BIG-red-BUTTON
- Lemon Clicker by SKBiehn
- 4 player ping pong by DanielWaffle
- Brawl Stars Simulator v14.0 by mrtrain
- defeat thanos by DanielWaffle
- I love this food. by DanielWaffle
- the rich get richer :o (in just 3 minutes 49 seconds) by DanielWaffle
- the ga1astamobile (you cant explodec) by DanielWaffle
- wat i do whien i ha ti event smthin oh els by DanielWaffle
- Untitled-5 by DanielWaffle
- Make You All Spin! by DanielWaffle
- hi i spent 192 centuries 12 years 1 month 1 day on this by DanielWaffle
- Music Mania by DanielWaffle
- Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
- Test by DanielWaffle
- Portal Physics by mythan1
- Space ship---PART 1 by DanielWaffle
- Fishing by TheInternetIsCoool
- Drive by Bubbles_Official
- Will_Wam Tower Defense 2 by Will_Wam
- Lemon Clicker by DanielWaffle
- Running Simulator by DanielWaffle
- Pickax clicker!!! by DanielWaffle
- ☆ panic room by BIissful
- I can guess your age -(100%) by DanielWaffle