Dinosu » Shared Projects (62)
- ☁ Famous "What's Happening?" Sections by Dinosu
- AI Doodle Detector (Neural Network) by Dinosu
- How people find your projects with the search bar by Dinosu
- [FIXED!] Griffpatch Follow Chains (+ Others) by Dinosu
- [BROKEN] Griffpatch Follow Chains (+ Others!) by Dinosu
- Band Simulator | Note blocks + Pen by Dinosu
- Car Physics (Pen) — Infinite Custom Terrain by Dinosu
- Scratchers In Real Life by Dinosu
- CloudHead: Down Indefinitely by Dinosu
- Office Elevator Simulator by Dinosu
- 3D Physics by Dinosu
- Autumn in Acadia | + ▶️ Tutorial by Dinosu
- ☁ Paint: "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" by Dinosu
- Stunt Helicopter 3D (Demo) by Dinosu
- CloudHead | 24/7 monitoring for cloud projects by Dinosu
- Results of 1K Multi-Category Contest by Dinosu
- [OLD] More Than You Think... by Dinosu
- Test Your Randomness by Dinosu
- Mine PalCoin! by Dinosu
- Rush E Synthesia, Recreated in Scratch by Dinosu
- [CLOSED] 1,000 Followers: Multi-Category Contest by Dinosu
- Griffpatch Speech Program Demo by Dinosu
- Bad Apple Morphing (+ ID 700,000,035) by Dinosu
- Chaotic Bouncing Balls by Dinosu
- How to Make a 1 Line Challenge Photo by Dinosu
- ☁️ Get Everyone In! ☁️ by Dinosu
- Terrain Generator (Isometric 3D + Perlin Noise) by Dinosu
- Wonky Wheels by Dinosu
- Drawing Exploder by Dinosu
- All In One (Website -- Use Without Credit!) by Dinosu
- ☁️ ISS Tracker by Dinosu
- ☁️ Scratcher of the Minute v2.1.1 by Dinosu
- Another Scratch Extension by Dinosu
- Sudoku Solver by Dinosu
- Gravity Simulator by Dinosu
- 500 Followers Visualizer by Dinosu
- A Variation of Hitomezashi Stitch Patterns by Dinosu
- 3D Lorenz Attractor by Dinosu
- Interesting Dot Behavior by Dinosu
- Particle Network by Dinosu
- Epidemic Simulator by Dinosu
- Drawing Morpher by Dinosu
- Real MNIST Data by Dinosu
- Text Generator (Markov Chain) by Dinosu
- One Line Challenge Anything by Dinosu
- First 20,000 Unicode Symbols by Dinosu
- Bezier Cat in Desmos by Dinosu
- Random 3D Terrain Generator by Dinosu
- Cloud PRNG by Dinosu
- Message Distorter by Dinosu
- How Well do you Know the Arrow Keys? by Dinosu
- Design a Fractal Version 2 by Dinosu
- Design a Fractal by Dinosu
- Pen Clock by Dinosu
- Loudness Meter by Dinosu
- Create-your-own Design (Amazing Math Art) by Dinosu
- Trigonometry Without Trig Blocks by Dinosu
- Simple Raycaster Maze by Dinosu
- Domino Planner by Dinosu
- Logic Gates Demonstration by Dinosu