Elizabeth_aft1 » Shared Projects (13)
- Add Yourself (FNAF edition) remix by Elizabeth_aft1
- sugarcrush edit- by Elizabeth_aft1
- no sharing (GIMME CHRIS! by Elizabeth_aft1
- Remix and Circle your Identity! remix remix by Elizabeth_aft1
- Remix If You Agree ~ REMIX x4 remix- remix2 remix remix by Elizabeth_aft1
- AHHHHHHH! by Elizabeth_aft1
- HOLY JESUS by Elizabeth_aft1
- Add yourself! to a zoom meeting remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by Elizabeth_aft1
- REEEEEEEEEEEE by Elizabeth_aft1
- HEY BULLY! STOP! remix by Elizabeth_aft1
- Elizabeths voice lines by Elizabeth_aft1
- CHRIS?! by Elizabeth_aft1
- insane like me-elizabet afton me by Elizabeth_aft1