FantasyBowtag » Favorites (27)
- School by RainFoxArtist
- Elsa's Hair Dilemma by sashabunny101
- Fun Things to Do With a Friend by Gandalf1023
- Defender of Gondor remix by FantasyBowtag
- Collection of awesome LOTR quotes by Legolas-Elf
- My Favorite LotR Quote by _Legolas_
- ranger's apprentice by 16bwadsworth
- ranger's apprentice by 16cchandler
- Studio Description by FantasyBowtag
- Fantasy Aide: Creating Your World by FantasyBowtag
- Try not to laugh! by _Legolas_
- The Middle Earth Race Quiz by LegolasGreenleaf
- Lord of the Bricks remix by Legolas-Elf
- Homework by _Legolas_
- Dumbledore vs. Gandalf remix by maximeek
- You shall not pass. by RED_Spy
- disco gandalf by oogamabooga
- The Hobbit- The Game-2 by lego_ninja
- Defender of Gondor by SuperJedi224
- Defender of Gondor by lego_ninja
- There Taking the Hobbits to Isengard by SaysonRMX
- Explore the Shire by RainFoxArtist
- What's the secret to cooking dwarves? remix by cutiepie57473
- What's the secret to cooking dwarves? by lego_ninja
- Spank Denethor by lego_ninja
- There Taking the Hobbits to Isengard (fast, regular, and slow!) by blackhole123