Gamenerd454 » Favorites (16)
- Boss Fight (Based on Hollow Knight) by gosling09
- Black Lives Matter by ScratchCat
- An Amazing Maze! 7-7 BB by XX_Potato_Boy124_xX
- The Default Scratch Project by pianomanj
- ummmm the OG. total epicness by Billy_777
- Dimension by alphabetica
- Ummmm 2. the epicer one by Billy_777
- we are young by carlosalvarez112233
- Chickens by maki_panda
- A Friend of Mine (Remix project) remix by XX_Potato_Boy124_xX
- Scratch 3.0 Platformer by theSparky
- 6-5 BB Lesson #4 yeet by XX_Potato_Boy124_xX
- - PEN PLATFORMER PART 1 - [Featured] by greedjesse
- Turn AMV by _reirei_
- Scratch goes to KFC. by ZadeStuff
- CRAZY BALLERINA by TypicalRyan599