Hippo900 » Shared Projects (44)
Mission 4: Jerry The Planet X8: The Chase. by Hippo900
Forg A Platformer *DEMO* - (Rage Game) by Hippo900
Floating Cat by Hippo900
Jump by Hippo900
Scratcher a platformer by Hippo900
Pong: Adventure Mode by Hippo900
Monkey Saver Trailer by Hippo900
Weird Kirby guy by Hippo900
Can you please give me Ideas? by Hippo900
Satisfaction by Hippo900
Super kirby Runner (Updated) by Hippo900
Merry Christmas & happy holidays to all! From:Hippo900 by Hippo900
Test subject on:Y velocity by Hippo900
Mission 4: Jerry The Planet X8 Animation by Hippo900
Scratch News! Part 2 of Pico and Tera: Gobo + Giga by Hippo900
Scratch Trailer. News by Hippo900
Life as google translate introduction by Hippo900
Minecraft Warden battle animation Part 1 by Hippo900
Actually the first thing I made on scratch by Hippo900
Mission 3: Jerry The streaming ship by Hippo900
Galaga On Scratch by Hippo900
Mission 3: Jerry animation beginning by Hippo900
Evil Toon link #2 by Hippo900
Mission 2: Jerry The Malfunctioned Mansion by Hippo900
Platformer a Platformer Part 1 by Hippo900
New Intro! by Hippo900
Very Cool Cat! by Hippo900
Help save our planet!! Remix remix remix by Hippo900
Mega Man Infinite Battle Field by Hippo900
Serpent Slayer (Hippo900 Boss series 1) by Hippo900
Baseball by Hippo900
Idle breakout by Hippo900
Mission 1 Jerry: Alien Field cc by Hippo900
Evil ToonLink by Hippo900
Target the fish by Hippo900
Sticker book ( for little kids) by Hippo900
The Floor is Lava Maze by Hippo900
Drawing on Scratch by Hippo900
The Orb of Lostlot Intro by Hippo900
Legend of Zelda Multiverse Mash Concept Art by Hippo900
Mega Man Infinite, battle field! Trailer by Hippo900
Orb of Lostlot trailer by Hippo900
HAzza! trailer 2 by Hippo900
Welcome to my thingy by Hippo900