Scratcher Joined 1 year, 10 months ago France
About me
What I'm working on
Winter platformer(en collab), un Os et un RPG un peu chelou (sur @0GAMI
La foire aux brocolis :
Followers count : 41/50
Next objectives, 70,10
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (86)
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1000 levels | A platformer [work in progress] by IMAG0
ImagOS v0.2 [beta] by IMAG0
[FERMÉ] Concours - Faire un projet de moins de 30 blocs by IMAG0
Animation engine V.1 by IMAG0
Nono play with you ! enjoy. [Alpha Version] by IMAG0
Mon histoire sur scratch [animation] by IMAG0
Fourmis gestion by IMAG0
Engrenages by IMAG0
count online by IMAG0
Replay your paint by IMAG0
Game of space by IMAG0
V0.24 (beta) [ennemi] Winter platformer by IMAG0
Les règles de la foire aux brocolis by IMAG0
Scratchfall by IMAG0
V0.22 (beta) [ennemis] Winter platformer by IMAG0
metro simulator by IMAG0
Winter platformer - rajouter des level + spikes et portes by IMAG0
Projet pour faire des votes by IMAG0
Dragons vs humains by IMAG0
Texture des boutons [hiver platformer] by IMAG0
Favorite Projects
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Qui est IMAG0 ? by Lu_Li_49
Entries Closed | 5k followers Contest by JloAu
All Scratch 3.0 Hacked Blocks by GreenScripter
Coloured Fire by cherryowl
Scratch in Scratch #games #all by Fuzzee_animations
vote entre Minecraft java ou Bedrock by Minecraft-Fan-Club
Be a Bee by Zorg06
☙ by Pearlescence
☙ by Pearlescence
☙ by Pearlescence
☙ by Pearlescence
☙ by Pearlescence
The Life of Platformer Game 1.6 by Volcanoscratch
Gobi's world by EndoSu
Combat magique by Geek4000
Studios I'm Following
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Studio des francophones (FR ,BE ,QC,CH)
TGG, The god goats
Music Contest
Blobfish Studio スタジオ estudio студия Студії 演播室
La foire aux brocolis
Jeu hiver
tout les projet du monde !
⭐️ la s team ⭐️ --official studio--
2 players games
Calcule tout studio
Animation production
La cramme elle porte
Studios I Curate
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Studio des francophones (FR ,BE ,QC,CH)
Concours - faire un projet de moins de 30 blocks
Bonjour tout le monde
Communauté Scratch Francophone
TGG, The god goats
Blobfish Studio スタジオ estudio студия Студії 演播室
Suiveurs de LOUREATOUT
Let's add 1,000 projects ! by LOUREATOUT
Mumpoutz studio jz
La foire aux brocolis
Jeu hiver
⭐️ la s team ⭐️ --official studio--
Je teste des jeux random et je les mets là.
Snake games
2 players games
Calcule tout studio
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