JILSM37 » Favorites (28)
- Aarush-3B Dance by JILSM37
- Letter animation Aarush-3B by JILSM37
- L16-Myblocks by JILSM37
- L15-MAZe GamE by JILSM37
- L14- Variables by JILSM37
- L13- Broadcast by JILSM37
- L12- Challenge 1 by JILSM37
- L11- Animation by JILSM37
- L12- If and else by JILSM37
- L10- challenge 2 by JILSM37
- L10- Challenge 1 by JILSM37
- L-10- cartwheel by JILSM37
- L9-Reset by JILSM37
- L8- glide and x y by JILSM37
- L8- Coordinates Y and x by JILSM37
- L7-Events 2 by JILSM37
- L7-Events by JILSM37
- L6- sound by JILSM37
- L5- Rotation style by JILSM37
- L5- square by JILSM37
- L2- direction by JILSM37
- L4- Upload backdrop by JILSM37
- L4- size by JILSM37
- L3-Own sprite and backdrop by JILSM37
- L3-effects by JILSM37
- L2-costumes by JILSM37
- L2 -circular motion by JILSM37
- L1-Motion by JILSM37