Scratcher Joined 2 years, 10 months ago United States
About me
hi im jacob_the_peashooter.
you can talk to me in my profile
pizza tower
rivals of aether
and some others
QnA entry:
What I'm working on
Peafriend's Lawn Funkin
pvz defenceless home
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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a message from me by Jacob_The_Peashooter
im alive by Jacob_The_Peashooter
appy does the arona dance. by Jacob_The_Peashooter
A P P Y by Jacob_The_Peashooter
do the thing. by Jacob_The_Peashooter
violence by Jacob_The_Peashooter
pearune. by Jacob_The_Peashooter
design altercation by Jacob_The_Peashooter
Peashooter + More Enemies (AYD: TTO) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
(fixed) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
the original oneshot: by Jacob_The_Peashooter
(Open) QnA Entry by Jacob_The_Peashooter
art by Jacob_The_Peashooter
Pizza Tower "The Doise" Vector(s) (with his sounds) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
AYFOAPFOSL: BEFORE THE SHELL (22) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
AYFOAPFOSL: BEFORE THE SHELL (20) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
AYFOAPFOSL: BEFORE THE SHELL (18) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
AYFOAPFOSL: Before the shell (13) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
AYFOAPFOSL: Before the shell (7) by Jacob_The_Peashooter
All Because of some Stupid Taco.... by Jacob_The_Peashooter
Favorite Projects
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Selfie by rip1UC45
GAME OVER MAINLINE MIX by anidiotonscratch2022
Piece of tower Plane Death Edition by Circle_Games111
Stick_Nick scares the crap out of James animation by Circle_Games111
New Flame Vector by luckyslimegamer
The Coffee Shanty! - Animated Short by TinnPangpang
Endless Judgement - A TPT official art & story #Art #All #TPT by TinnPangpang
Deltaruined by TinnPangpang
Tinn shoots forgotten in the face by rip1UC45
Plants vs. Zombies|Flourished Sun (Dreaded Forest) by joe_washere7
P1ants vs Zombie5 by bro972008_
Add Yourself Defending The Time Orb by D1amondcat
The 1st QnA by bro972008_
The 1st QnA Leftovers by bro972008_
His Theory by bro972008_
*screams in peashooter* by bro972008_
Peashooter Pondering: 50K (REPONDERED!) by Victor_Super_Games
Peabro's Papyrus cosplay by bro972008_
Scratch Craft (DEMO) by FunHub2
PFP (With Background) by Gullei_Peashooter
Studios I'm Following
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The Peashooter Army Official Studio
Another secret peashooter army because why not
Follow If Your Name Isn't Amogus
Jacob into his house.
Follow if your Name is not Joe
The Idiot Army
follow this studio if you want sc plushies on sale!
Follow if You're Excited about The SMB. Movie Sequel
you into electrical.
your every move
Follow if you hate YouTube ads
Follow if you like AYS
follow if you're currently dead
The Peashooter Army Official.
Peashooter Army Battlefeild
Peas’ village
Add Trash Projects
Peashooter Army Comics
Pvz: Plant ages
Studios I Curate
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嘿 | ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴇᴍᴘɪʀᴇ |嘿
Club Peashooter
peashooter army beluga like stuff or something idk
Peashooter Hideout
Add Yourself Fighting
Join the pvz car ride!
The Peashooter Army Official Studio
Sonic studio
Untitled Studio
The Peashooter Army Official.
vegatable phone studio
Blender Pros
Jacob into his house.
the funni army a fishal
the facewear army
The Idiot Army
FNF AYS Engine Remixes
luck tourney! (bird wars)
FNF VS The Peashooter Army
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