Lou01 » Favorites (15)
- Kinetic by MookyE
- Le drapeau by RaptorAlpha01
- Yeet I like the cars in feraille mode by RaptorAlpha01
- Juggle Fever (v2.0) by ScriptDelivery
- Mouton simulator by Sracth183
- Chicken run by RaptorAlpha01
- pentagonemagiquequitourneetquifaitdescouleursetcesttresbeauwow by Sracth183
- 3D Tutorial (Part 5) -- Camera Rotation by MathMathMath
- 3D Tutorial (Part 1) - Introduction by MathMathMath
- planet orbit by Lou01
- harmonograph by Lou01
- Dino run (with highscore) ! by nielsguerinou
- 3D room by Lou01
- Piano et drum - 2018 by Lou01
- Spirit of the stallion by Lou01