Maco_Monkey » Shared Projects (24)
- Hide and show by Maco_Monkey
- Make it spin by Maco_Monkey
- Record a sound by Maco_Monkey
- Glide around by Maco_Monkey
- Change size by Maco_Monkey
- Add a backdrop by Maco_Monkey
- Add a sprite by Maco_Monkey
- Talking tales by Maco_Monkey
- Create animations that talk by Maco_Monkey
- Arrow key game by Maco_Monkey
- Video sensing by Maco_Monkey
- Mac's Chatbot by Maco_Monkey
- Animate a adventure game by Maco_Monkey
- Code a cartoon by Maco_Monkey
- Make it fly by Maco_Monkey
- Pong game by Maco_Monkey
- Make a clicker game by Maco_Monkey
- Animate a character by Maco_Monkey
- Make a chase game by Maco_Monkey
- Create a story by Maco_Monkey
- Make music by Maco_Monkey
- Imagine a world by Maco_Monkey
- Animate a name by Maco_Monkey
- Getting started by Maco_Monkey