Nuggets8 » Favorites (119)
- Cartoon Network HoC 2018 by LearningResources
- Bubble Bloop by Nuggets8
- Dinosaurs by Nuggets8
- Nuggets8 joins the Powerpuff Girls by Nuggets8
- Harry Potter Duel by HappinessEmulator
- Everybody Wants to be Famous MAP by ceebee
- Need. Coffee. by ceebee
- Catch the potion by Nuggets8
- Generic Red by Nuggets8
- #Sports by Nuggets8
- A First Day At Hogwarts by ExperienceSea
- Funny Fact Generator by Will_Wam
- Harry Potter personality quiz by scrooch2005
- Harry Potter House Quiz by rainbow_waves
- About Nuggets8 by Nuggets8
- Catchy Song by DerpAnimation
- Scratch Memories by ceebee
- Breakfast by Derble
- ♥ The Pink Game ♥ by Za-Chary
- Pizza War by -HappyPotato-
- Me When I See Chocolate... by -BoyMcBoy-
- Pastel Dress-up by Dress-up_games
- Dress Up by Wafture
- Fashion Show Dress Up~ by trixirita
- How I Sprained my Ankle by TNTsquirrel
- Monkey needs home by Nuggets8
- frustration by ceebee
- The Door by Derble
- Ceebee Gets a Haircut by ceebee
- Which Scratcher Are You Most Like? by D_i_a_v_l_o
- Power Puff Girls by Nuggets8
- catch the apples by Nuggets8
- Pixel Parkour by N_Ace
- ☆ panic room by yunnie2005
- Video Games by --Waterfall--
- Textured Maze (Full Game) by RokCoder
- Sand and Water v3.3 by griffpatch
- Vacation by FUZZIE-WEASEL
- Why I Hate School by TNTsquirrel
- LOLIROCK 2 ! by meenakshis
- Which Glitter Force Character Are You? by PinkAlien47
- About OMBB by OhMyBubbleBlower
- The Essence of Scratch <3 by ChristianKid5
- Super Karts by Hobson-TV
- ☁ Cloud Vote [School Edition] by Will_Wam
- Color Switch - Target by ToadfanSchool
- It's Raining Muffins by FairyNinja
- Greetings New Scratchers! by sprinkles999
- Tower of Destiny by AiyanMind
- Maya's Birthday by Nuggets8
- Object Stories: The Objects by The_Reader
- Animate a Name Platformer v0.4b by griffpatch
- Stickman Stories: The New Girl by Kyle_The_man
- My Little Pony Quiz by timhortonsyo
- ☆ ☆My Little Pony Pusheen Dress Up ☆ ☆ by PinkChopsticks
- My little Pony Powerpuff Girls by Moondust880
- Survive Thanksgiving! (Platformer) by EpicIzAwesome
- Superhero Elle!! by polar4bear
- My Little Pony Adventure 3 by fifi9293
- My Little Pony scene creator by pokeblock