Peach71 » Studios I Curate (92)
Climate Project
Climate project
Climate project animation
Earth and Sun end of kit proje
Earth and Sun end project
Water Cycle animation
The Rock Cycle animation
How do we see? animation
The water cycle animation
Rock Cycle or Types of Soil an
Rock Cycle or Types of Soil an
How do we see? animation
Moon Phases or Eclipses Animat
How do we see? Animation
MoonPhases or Eclipses room 206
Moon Phases or Eclipses animat
MoonPhases or Eclipses
Electric Circuit Animation
Electric Circuits Animation
Electric Circuit Animation
Thermal Energy animation
Do What You Like Animation
Untitled Studio
Do What You Like animation
Do What You Like animation
Sprites On the Move animation
Game remix
Game Remix
Game Remix
Game Remix
Create an animation - choice
Create an animated story using
Sprites on the Move
Rock Cycle -
Rock Cycle
Light/How we see
How do we see
Rock Cycle explained
How do our eyes work?
How are shadows formed?
How do shadows form? animation
How is a shadow formed?
Creating a Game
Become the Teacher
Become the Teacher
Animate a Story
Animate a Story
Create a Game
Untitled Studio
Create a Game activity
Create a Game
Become the Teacher 2
Become the Teacher 1
Become the Teacher 2