Real_Sophie_Foster » Favorites (85)
- ( a remix) KOLTC MEMES pt 2 by coding_cloud
- ELF Fudges for Keefe! by cs4913999
- Dex Dizznee quiz by Zifrim05
- lucid dreams and astral projection pt. ! by almbookbuyer
- Easiest lucid dreaming method! by Dets65
- Scars to your beautiful- lyrics by SophiaCarson300
- Hey bully, look over here remix by Real_Sophie_Foster
- Memories by WazzoTV
- Me Every Time I Go To A Fast Food Place by WazzoTV
- Book nerd memes!!! (Reshared again-) by biana_18
- KOTLC character quiz by RoSeBuD1971
- Milo Murphy's Law Personality Quiz by PeterThePanda
- Arrow Dodge by THEbattery_games
- Journey of the Lost Block by VeryBeary
- Ro Quiz by fitz1dex
- Coco Quinn vs Piper Rockelle by CocoQuinnLover
- KEEFE! by Silveny_Glitterbutt
- Escape the Grassland - Scrolling Platformer by sceptile100
- Prank Calls #2 by ChewingFruitGum
- Prank Calls by ChewingFruitGum
- what happens when u tell scratch cat no by templeofbruh2
- The Hut by templeofbruh2
- Maruca or Stina? by DisneyMonkey
- Lost - A Platformer #Games #All by -Zytixon-
- Fill 2 - Another Puzzle Game by CrystalKeeper7
- Would You Rather - Keefe and Tam or Lady Gisela by _TheBlackSwan_
- Candy a platformer ! by Paul2448
- 25 Kotlc Questions to Answer remix remix by AmyRoseFoster
- Um.....What? by scratchU8
- - KOTLC Character Quiz - by chloegrape
- THE GREAT GULON INCIDENT!!! by peach_bunny
- The Great Gulon Incident (KotLC) by Fire_Water_Earth_Sky
- KOTLC Alphabet by betto_boop
- Talk to Your Favorite KotLC Character by SwanSong3719
- KOTLC memes by _Biana-Vacker_
- Fitzphie or Sokeefe by LutzGirls
- A Horrible KOTLC Fanfic ~ Part 2 by Moonlark1111
- A Horrible KOTLC FanFic ~ Part 1 by Moonlark1111
- KOTLC character's songs!! Vol.2 by Ebergburg
- When There's no Doritos by Hobson-TV
- KOTLC character Theme songs Vol.1 by Ebergburg
- THE SOPHIE FOSTER SONG! by MsHydrokinetic
- Ball Roll w/ Sophie Foster giving you encouragement over the galaxy by HIPPOLOVE32
- Girl Scout Cookies... by WazzoTV
- Windows xD!! by Awesomations
- Confuse Elsa!!! XD by Anna_The_Conqueror
- Intro Template! - Free to use! by VoodooNoodles
- Uncolored (A Platformer) by Kokasgui
- If you miss Calla remix and sign remix by Real_Sophie_Foster
- If you miss Calla remix and sign by Bananamandan56
- Rainbow! A Platformer by RomanGreen789
- Rainbow a platformer by -ComplexCode721-
- Alone - Platformer by noodlebot743
- Pentagon (Platformer) by jacko1234567
- Youtube || Platformer by Bar_Ben
- Guess the Character (Keeper of the Lost Cities) by kh12863
- Who's fashion sense do you have? Sophie's or Biana's? by SophieFoster13
- Guess the Elf Quiz by fitz1dex