Red_Fire_Earth_Black » Shared Projects (106)
Never Quit - Told by Scratch by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
How groups on scratch would work. by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Backpack Saver by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
BIG Question- by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Community Challenge Test by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Manly Sports - meme by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
The Ninjago News Intro!!! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
really bad sample for @NinjagoNews by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
all my paint 3d stuffs by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
I have an idea.... by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Kai Saving Nya- Drawing Test by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Stuck in a PC ~ RP Sign Up Sheet remix by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
New Intro! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
ScratchNite : Skin Creator: The Ninja! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Ninja- A platformer by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
ninja by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Fairfield High Sports + Clubs sign up by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
THANKS SOOO MUCH GUYS! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
intro for maximiliaan by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
THANKS! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
This is a sign i dont check my old acc enough.... by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
you on kazo on scratch by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
scratch cat toucha my spaghet by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
I made some changes to Scratch Cat. Tell me what u think! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
first vector drawing by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
When someone names their project 'untitled' by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Why Luke doesn't like MLG stuff #LukeTakesOver by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
project for tournament of serpentine by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Single Awarness Day- Animation by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
When your friends try a new hairstyle by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
When your friends like the same person-animation by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
When IXLs are assigned......- Animation by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Why Scratch Cat isn't cool- animation by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
I´m 12 Now!! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
How the movie ninja REALLY look like by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Paint 3D Ninjago art by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Minecraft Evo Grian Empire Fanart by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Minecraft Evo Propety Police Fanart by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
My Ninjago OC Band by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
My Character for Tournment of Elements RP by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Water Mountain ~Animation/ MEME by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Hobbbies- Animation FAQs 2 by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Sports- Animation FAQs 1 by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Backpack Dividers! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Trying a new style of animating! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
My Family in Scratch WAVE ONE by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
MLG Scratch Sprites by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
My New (and improved) LEGO Drawing Style!! by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
For @Dyensta by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Give me your character and I'll draw it in my style by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
POKEMON SPRITES by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Crazy Scratch Cat Suits by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Ninjago Eraser Art by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Ninja's Character Template by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
another logo... by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Ik its a crazy idea.... by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Background test by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Donald Trump the Train gets stuck in a vortex by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
Ninjago- The Jr. Ninjas (The Ninja's Kids) My OCS by Red_Fire_Earth_Black
ninjago tng image by Red_Fire_Earth_Black