SB767 » Favorites (51)
- Clicker Game v2.0 by KNK209
- Clicker Game v2.0 by SB767
- Racism shall STOP by Mr_Guy123456789
- The Red Ninja || A platformer by 0014049
- #MumboForMayor by SB767
- Black lives matter remix by SB767
- Slither Grian by SB767
- Sign if you are against racism! remix by SB767
- Sign if you are against racism! #BlackLivesMatter by FireFoxy74
- Ghostly Midnight by Mr_Guy123456789
- Bee Swarm Scratchulator V 0.1 by Mr_Guy123456789
- #BlackLivesMatter by SB767
- My Scratch Story (remix) by griffpatch_tutor
- Platformer Creator by 0014049
- This is Griffpatch's game, but it's my server to play with friends by SB767
- Squish Squash by Mr_Guy123456789
- Hat-A platformer by yeetman111111111111
- Rectangle Blast by Mr_Guy123456789
- Dragon Clicker Game by Jina-2010
- Dragon Clicker Game remix to make it better by SB767
- Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
- TEST - MMO Platformer v0.7 by griffpatch_tutor
- Apple clicker game by abaraian
- 399999999th project by LOLele_54
- This is the 400000016th Project on Scratch! OMG by SB767
- Dragon Clicker Game remix by SB767
- Tyler's clicker game- Vs. MARX by PotatoVgaming
- Tyler's clicker game- Vs. MARX remix by SB767
- Clicker Game! by SB767
- Cube Keep by Mr_Guy123456789
- Ripely's Adventure: The Greats of Space by Mr_Guy123456789
- LAG TEST by SB767
- Randomly Generated Platformer (Pen and List Based) by Mr_Guy123456789
- Computer Collectron by Mr_Guy123456789
- Magic Swimming Pools by Mr_Guy123456789
- Biodiversity Speech by SB767
- Donut clicker V1.2.1 by bananagamer09
- Cube Miner by legobuzz12
- Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
- Super Mario For Scratch 3 by Brad-Games
- Glove Jump by Mr_Guy123456789
- Songs from my guitar book by _TwT_UwU_OwO_
- drawing thing by Mr_Guy123456789
- chez puffs lol by _TwT_UwU_OwO_
- Ninja quick by Mr_Guy123456789
- test (Extreme Clicker) by _TwT_UwU_OwO_
- Donut RUN and RUN by Mr_Guy123456789
- Egg pong pong pong by Mr_Guy123456789
- Cat and Mouse Game >:( [Hard] by Mr_Guy123456789
- Ripely's Adventure by Mr_Guy123456789