Santa07 » Favorites (64)
- Cookie Clicker ⓤ by user4567
- G E T A W A Y by Ethereal_Discovery
- Platforming Rush by LeScratcher
- SDS - 3 by mikeono102
- Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
- Lemonade Tycoon by Braeden5454
- Mining Tank ß.8 by PH-zero
- Pumpkin Catapult by MegaDrats
- Marshall 3 by WithOnions
- Marshall 2 by WithOnions
- Ninja Academy by Santa07
- Marshall (a platform game) by WithOnions
- Hideout Tycoon - Broken with Scratch 3 by Borrego6165
- Avalanche! by beybladerevenge
- The Hunger Games by axs4089
- Multidirectional Scrolling Platformer Base With Enemy AI v1.1 by griffpatch_tutor
- Another day in the Scratch callcentre by ACTlynkirk
- Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
- PARTICLE MADNESS!!! by Santa07
- FRACTAL2 pre-release by TNTninja101
- Planeteer!!! (Land on all planets) by AwokeKnowing
- Schrodinger's (scratch) cat simulation by Santa07
- Parking Test by kts2013
- WW3 Nuke Runner by JakieMcCool
- Harvard Bibliography Maker by Santa07
- Sound Circle by MitFan
- Rollercoaster Creator Deluxe remix by Santa07
- Rollercoaster Creator Deluxe by GoldenMagic
- Blok (VERSION 1.4) by mattspataro
- Natural Selection Simulator by Santa07
- Remember to smile! Free Favorites and Loves!!!! by cc2gr
- Pick-a-Minion V.2 by thejuki
- Ninja Roy 5 by eRKSToCK
- The Adventures Of Scratch Cat by Masquerola
- Frosted 3 - Platformer V 5.0 remix by BigBlueBlock
- Generate Cities Classic (2011 Edition) by Borrego6165
- Sporesafe - the destruction of the spores by Santa07
- Sporesafe by Santa07
- The Mirror by Santa07
- Scratch-A-Gram Game by scubajerry
- Aliensafe... the ultimate battle by Santa07
- Aliensafe by Santa07
- Citysafe 2 by Santa07
- Pocket Frogs 2 by NickyNouse
- Citysafe by Santa07
- Bounce by -Scratcher-
- Riversafe... the sequel by Santa07
- Gem Making 1.0 by Scratcher357
- Riversafe by Santa07
- Snap by Santa07
- Scratchman by Santa07
- The Brain Drain Game by Santa07
- Pico Attack 1.7 Beta: Eat to Grow! by Billybob-Mario
- Darkness :: a game about shadows by AlphaAxle
- GPA calculator by Santa07
- Guess & Gamble by Santa07
- Car Race Betting by Santa07
- Calculator by Santa07
- Parabola Drawer by Santa07
- Square Root Simplifier V 2.0 by laptop97