Scratcher Joined 5 years, 12 months ago Germany
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Omniscient v.2.5 by Schlafhase
- Town 3D test with car Multiplayer by Schlafhase
- Town 3D test with car by Schlafhase
- Town 3D test by Schlafhase
- 3D Building test by Schlafhase
- music maker with save code by Schlafhase
- intro @Toasty-Schlumpf by Schlafhase
- 100!!! by Schlafhase
- Sky island [SDS] by Schlafhase
- 3d labyhrint beta by Schlafhase
- ☁ Lonely Skiing | v1.3 Beta Christmas Special by Schlafhase
- I AM BAAAAAAACK!!! by Schlafhase
- Giraffenaffe Intro by Schlafhase
- HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 by Schlafhase
- Physics by Schlafhase
- Bike physics by Schlafhase
- Black Lives Matter with new music by Schlafhase
- plotter 100% pen | sin, cos, tan, sqrt, abs by Schlafhase
- Intro julius68 by Schlafhase
- Trailer für "Die Tierkonferenz." by Schlafhase
Favorite Projects
View all- Artificial Intelligence Chatbot by Super-Fuchs
- Heartbeat, but 30 people have miniguns. by mast3rcoder
- Corona-Die wahre Geschichte by ICHmagSCHNITZEL_2
- Free Intro 3 by O2009H
- test by nini2009ph
- Omniscient v.2.5 by Schlafhase
- Sky island [SDS] HACKED NO WAY TO LOSE!!(now has a movement bug) by Gamer_Guy789
- This cat knows everything. Try it! by Super-Fuchs
- Get a free follow! by 3-14159-26535
- Dancing griffpatch by dasisteingutesspiel
- Colorless Clones by Fyndora
- Encoder and Decoder by Wincont
- thank you griffpatch! by isthistaken123
- 2 Schlafhasen by NaomiSchmetterling
- it took me three hours to do this drawing! by 43pusheen_lover
- Minecraft in 3D #AprilFools #all by dasisteingutesspiel
- Scratchtown||My first game by OLIVIA_GAMES_2013
- Town 3D test with car by Schlafhase
- What time is it? by Schlafhase
- viele Paddel ein Ball by rufus098765
Studios I'm Following
- 3D Town tests
- Deutsch ist kühl!
- WOBOTOBO's Freunde Studio
- WINDSEEKER's Fanclub
- Fanclub von jrwr (jrwr's fanclub)
- Scratch Nerds
- Project making :)
- 3D Rendered Objects
- No more goals
- Frodewin's best game projects
- ⭐ SCRACO65 Fan/Follower Club ⭐
- The Adventures in Space
- akiso Fan-Club
- Schlafhase's fan club
- Dragonball
- Scratch brothers
- Scratch Welcoming Committee!
Studios I Curate
View all- Dumbledores Studio|| My students
- SuunoMoon
- Für mich 43pusheen_lover und Schalfhase
- Master games!
- 3D Town tests
- Random studio
- Please follow @bookworm11com!
- BigBattyBear's friends & followers ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙
- -Platformers-
- Party On Scratch!
- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ GAMES ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Games
- Benni2007 Fan Club
- Konverastionen
- Let´s make a Turorial (Starter Contest)
- WOBOTOBO's Freunde Studio
- The anything studio!
- ProGamer4trewErklärtScratch
- 4trews Studio 1
- 神のにちじょー 10話
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