SimpleScratch » Shared Projects (125)
- S3GPIO ultrasonice sensor by SimpleScratch
- screen refreshing by SimpleScratch
- pause glitch with long script by SimpleScratch
- Snapinator test by SimpleScratch
- PiPoolSim3Beta by SimpleScratch
- DeathStarFire by SimpleScratch
- Postal by SimpleScratch
- AOC1PartB by SimpleScratch
- AOC1PartA by SimpleScratch
- AOC1 Fail by SimpleScratch
- Redirect by SimpleScratch
- Game Menu by SimpleScratch
- Transparent pen bug remix by SimpleScratch
- walking bear by SimpleScratch
- Bus Allsaints by SimpleScratch
- S3GPIO PiBug by SimpleScratch
- Pen Colour Detect Test by SimpleScratch
- Secret Blocks? remix by SimpleScratch
- Flappy Bird Year3 by SimpleScratch
- Flappy Cat Year3 by SimpleScratch
- Crumble by SimpleScratch
- s3a_fm by SimpleScratch
- Visible multiples remix by SimpleScratch
- Nested If by SimpleScratch
- Untitled-70 by SimpleScratch
- Python copy by SimpleScratch
- Pong 1.4 exe by SimpleScratch
- Pong 1.4 by SimpleScratch
- S3Microbit POC by SimpleScratch
- MoveTurn by SimpleScratch
- RGB by SimpleScratch
- Guess The Number4 by SimpleScratch
- Guess The Number Faulty by SimpleScratch
- S3GPIO B2 copy by SimpleScratch
- Return List by SimpleScratch
- S3GPIO by SimpleScratch
- HTMLTest by SimpleScratch
- S3GPIO Examples by SimpleScratch
- Asteroid from 1.4 Bug Version by SimpleScratch
- S3GPIO Beta1 by SimpleScratch
- DetectionZone by SimpleScratch
- Object Falling by SimpleScratch
- Speeking by SimpleScratch
- Return Value Test by SimpleScratch
- >test by SimpleScratch
- transtest by SimpleScratch
- V0.2 alpha S3GPIO Stepper Demo by SimpleScratch
- Guess The Number Faulty1 by SimpleScratch
- Cloud Server Python Reporter by SimpleScratch
- Same local variable by SimpleScratch
- V0.2 alpha S3GPIO by SimpleScratch
- V0.2 Dev S3GPIO playground by SimpleScratch
- orig S3GPIO Ultratest Single by SimpleScratch
- Dev ScratchGPIO S3GPIO Basic by SimpleScratch
- ScratchGPIO S3GPIO SenseHAT by SimpleScratch
- showshide by SimpleScratch
- SoundRecog by SimpleScratch
- KnockKnock by SimpleScratch
- Touching by SimpleScratch
- Scratch3-TraffficLights by SimpleScratch