Static_school » Favorites (21)
- Sky, a scrolling platformer by mountainpossum
- scrolling platformer base multiplayer by Static_5
- Remixable talking block ( use in your own projects) by Static_5
- pixel screen demo/base by Static_5
- scrolling platformer base by Static_5
- FlappyBird better jump and fixed by Static_5
- Griffpatch completed cloud engine slightly modified by Static_5
- CORONA Clicker! by mountainpossum
- Catch the flies by mountainpossum
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Sum finder by Static_5
- Do not read this book!! by mountainpossum
- Kat Magic by Avacato1400
- Simple Scratch Quiz remix by Careless5714
- Wondrous fact quiz by Static_school
- Wondrous Facts by Static_school
- Wondrous Fact Quiz by Clucker13234
- The Successful Heist (Part 1) by awesomebricks1
- Covid Lockdown Sim ☣ Mobile friendly simulation games with tutorial and vector art ☣ by atomicmagicnumber
- Timetables Test by Static_5
- Dice Roller by Static_5
- 1 question calculator by Static_5