SuperscratcherXD » Favorites (15)
- Scratch Emulator v0.23.3 by griffpatch
- ^3 by AlphaAxle
- Treasure Hunter [ 3D Maze Game ] 1.2 by littlekitykat
- Periodic Table of the Elements by KillerByte
- Nuclear Powerplant Simulatior | NPPS A-1-04 by SuperscratcherXD
- Fompaq PC/JT PCFM-DOS3.0 by mantachan
- S65 - MOS 6502 Emulator by MartinBraendli
- The sine of the circle by qubits
- Color Palettes with Dithering by MasterOfArithmetic
- ScratchTX Basic 1.1 Vintage Computer by SuperscratcherXD
- Special Key Detector by whitewolf_2
- ASCII Key Detector by griffpatch
- Computer- Logic Gates & Full Adder by Heines
- SPT (Terminal) by Mittagskogel
- Sapkol 64 (programing language) v0.5.0 by SteveSapuko