Tardis1001 » Favorites (30)
- Super Mario REBOOTED by coder4536
- Zombie House 2: Walmart by soupgrapes
- Super Mario Bros | Scratch Edition by chipm0nk
- Generic projects be like: #games by wowyok
- Coin Collector #all #games by Investigator97
- Scratch Brawl 2 by KillerByte
- ☁️ Super Smash Cats [SERVER 2] by JefferyTheSuperKat
- ☁️ Super Smash Cats [SERVER 1] by JefferyTheSuperKat
- Epic shooter game!! Best in the world!! Can't be beaten!! by roughraff2000
- Mega Pack - HHH by soupgrapes
- Clone Madness by Tardis1001
- Mario & Yoshi Finishing Level Animation by Tardis1001
- tower defense v2.3.1.3 by normalisation
- Bloons Tower Defense by TheDipler
- Breathing Simulator by The_Updator_Extras
- Project P (a platformer) by THE-PREZ-GAMES
- Tower Defense #all #games #art by jrtugtygh34
- Adventure capitalist 1.2 by The_cricket
- Adventure capitalist 1.1 by The_cricket
- Leap Day by soupgrapes
- Tail Whip Mario Animation by Tardis1001
- New Mario character IDEA: Mashermind by Tardis1001
- Clicker Town v0.83 by Minion_dh
- The Tale of Lawrence by soupgrapes_test
- Super Mario on Scratch 5 by DuckGoose9254
- Goog... IS BROKEN WITH NEW STUFF by Nosy14Banana
- Super Mario on Scratch 3 by DuckGoose9254
- Legends - A Platformer by DuckGoose9254
- Polly The Frog (Demo Version) by Brad-Games