TeacherTony » Shared Projects (15)
- Addition Trainer by TeacherTony
- Find Prime Numbers! by TeacherTony
- Fraction-decimal converter by TeacherTony
- Sum of digits in all numbers from m to n by TeacherTony
- Sum of digits in all numbers from 1 to n by TeacherTony
- How many dinosaurs? by TeacherTony
- Practice 8: Go, Lego! by TeacherTony
- Practice 7: Useful Tools! by TeacherTony
- Practice 6: Pong Game by TeacherTony
- Practice 5: Draw a Polygon! by TeacherTony
- Practice 4: I Can Teleport! by TeacherTony
- Practice 3: Make & Play Music in Brazil by TeacherTony
- Practice 2: Animate Your Name! by TeacherTony
- Practice 1: Getting Started with Scratch! by TeacherTony
- Binary to Decimal by TeacherTony