TeddyTZX ยป Shared Projects (17)
Spotify LITE v0.1 by TeddyTZX
Actual OS proper prototype 4 by TeddyTZX
Actual OS proper prototype 3.5+ by TeddyTZX
Actual OS proper prototype 3.5 by TeddyTZX
Actual OS proper prototype 3 by TeddyTZX
Actual OS proper prototype 2 by TeddyTZX
Actual OS proper prototype 1.5 by TeddyTZX
beta kernel 0.31 template by TeddyTZX
I am half-abandoning scratch. by TeddyTZX
beta kernel 0.4 with teddygui 0.2.1 prototype 1.5 by TeddyTZX
beta kernel 0.31 no gui (base) by TeddyTZX
beta kernel 0.4 with teddygui 0.2.1 prototype 1 by TeddyTZX
Mecraft 2 v0.44 (OPEN SOURCE!) by TeddyTZX
beta v0.1 kernel by TeddyTZX
beta v0.2 kernel by TeddyTZX
beta v0.3 kernel with teddygui 0.1 by TeddyTZX
Mecraft 2 v0.41a by TeddyTZX