TheMindScratcher » Favorites (402)
- ✎ by bubble-aesthetics
- ✎ by bubble-aesthetics
- ✎ by bubble-aesthetics
- ✎ by bubble-aesthetics
- ✎ by bubble-aesthetics
- Comment Animations! #animations #christmas #merry #comment #trending #popular by plumthecrab
- Where is Pico? by PizzaPenguin4
- TheMindScratcher 1K Party by Jaxxiebear13
- Cursor Path by D-ScratchNinja
- run sound effect by SoundsXD
- TMS fan art by TheMindfulScratcher
- TMS FOLLOW COUNT (loud sounds warning) by gaylon0043943
- What Sorting Data Sounds Like by D-ScratchNinja
- Advent Calendar - Scratch Tips & Tutorials Edition! by aSmileyFaceSticker
- ▌ Typography by hanakuri_art
- The 2023 Scratch Awards by Matthew_K1
- Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell · Bird Army by Archverse
- its my birfday by _birb-alertt_
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 MIUI 1.1.2 by dawideksopelek
- ╔══╗░░░░╔╦╗░░╔═════╗ ║╚═╬════╬╣╠═╗║░▀░▀░║ ╠═╗║╔╗╔╗║║║╩╣║╚═══╝║ by aestheticsienna
- ╔═══╗╔═══╗╔═══╗╔═══╗╔════╗╔═══╗╔╗─╔╗ ║╔═╗║║╔═╗║║╔═╗║║╔═╗║║╔╗╔╗║║╔═╗║║║─║║ ║╚══╗║║─╚╝║╚═╝║║║─║║╚╝║║╚╝ by scaryghost14
- 3d raycasting by gojo_saturo1
- The 9K Blok Logo | Remake by @notamboy by notamboy
- Magic 8 Ball Simulator - Improved by merakii_
- L E A V E M E A L O N E by Jaxxiebear13
- Smooth Curve Through Points (Bezier) by griffpatch_tutor
- Stretchy Frog by Astonaut827
- City Alcyone v1.1 #Games #All by -Adjust-
- RRGGBB - A 99% Pen Scratch Remake by HaxRoyale_L12
- I SHALL SPREAD THY WORD!!!! by -GhostOfEccyGhost-
- Scratch Quiz by BrilliantGamer6
- @chipm0nk Replied! by TheMindScratcher
- ScratchStats v3.1 [LIVE] by KrufferWasTaken
- Scratch Trivia by WaterMonster29
- NR News | Cheddar Girl Spam Raid | more than a regular Spam Raid by NewsRealm
- Anime clock by GoofyKid12
- The Second Coming vs King_Orange.GEN (12) by sonicthehedgehog859
- My OCs by SteichFam
- My Cat by SteichFam
- griffpatcher song by __WADDLE__DEE__
- ☠ Scratching Dawn Remake | Ep 1 by M_axj
- This project has 23798 views. by KrufferWasTaken
- Eye of the Tiger by Songs12
- 8-bit Music!!! by HyperGames22
- Zombee is crazy by Beeman_98
- Fc 26 by minecraftpuma11
- Opposites: Maze of chaos by CreativeCoding2007
- 棒人間 スイカゲーム 改訂版【モバイル可】 by asopasomasoto
- he is observing the comments by zvardin
- he is observing multiple projects at the same time by zvardin
- he is observing you by zvardin
- he is sniffing by zvardin
- he is tasting the outside of the project by zvardin
- Axolotl City: Pilot (Episode 1) by SSSA-
- My aunts dog passed away :( by TheCoolGuy99436
- Katachi Game (polygon fusion) by 360Genius
- 100k Thank Yous by griffpatch
- The Scratch Library by The_Book_Keeper
- Bedwars clicker by daveymango
- ⭐ Jar of Stars ⭐ by Matthew_K1_Donates