WaydeTactical » Favorites (471)
- Panzer II by Sommedude_111
- Risk - The Institute by RiskGames
- (Unfinished) FN P90 REMASTERED (Interactive) by RA_Armory
- USF soldier by mrdapotato
- Huh by MrBigandBurly456
- the boys and homelander by sparrow174
- Ugh… by Eagle_wing
- C7 carbine by kingofthehill13
- WMRV-1 "Cyak" by WaydeTactical
- Condemnation of UEFS by riordanPercyjackson
- Songarian soldier by ARCEUS_MASTER
- 11m2 mobile gun system by HAILghost
- 4m01 air superiority jet by HAILghost
- Haungarian Universe Slander 2 by Sommedude_111
- H.U Country Slander by Sommedude_111
- PATW-6 by kingofthehill13
- LA C9 LMG by kingofthehill13
- 3D g17*GUNSMITH* not done by rooneyviz
- BAS WAAV-15 by WaydeTactical
- End of the Siege by Sommedude_111
- CTSFO (BREACH Submission) by WaydeTactical
- Operation-001 by HAILghost
- BREACH | Operator menu concept by GTRrage365
- [BREACH] What (airsoft) gun should I add to breach? by GTRrage365
- Second Coalition - Black Army Infantry by codingbrotest
- Khatoyr Kh-150 "Chernyy Lebed" by I_am_Good_Scratcher
- KME-T2A by Sommedude_111
- Dear @GodzillaTamer by Eagle_wing
- Kurz-98K by Sommedude_111
- exploding simulator by CodingKye
- Penumbran AIFV by bastion_unit7
- Declassified PSTF Armoury (Coast Annex) by ElectroScienceInc
- Grandisterrian armatae copiae uniform year 2000 by kingofthehill13
- INVASION OF THE UFE by WaydeTactical
- UEG Embassy Crisis by Sommedude_111
- ❤️Keet x Codger ❤️ by bastion_unit7
- APRIL 1ST, 1998 by Sommedude_111
- Join the UEGAF Today! by WaydeTactical
- Kulan KRu-102 by 0mniscience
- Ahmad-class Submarine by Sommedude_111
- The Airforce Arrives by Eagle_wing
- bush by DigitZeroGames
- Type AV-1 by coderrccl
- Goodbye forever, last love but the UEG pushed you back 60 Miles by Sommedude_111
- "Lancer" by bastion_unit7
- Urban_Access Weapon Demo V.0.3 by jett400
- Urban_Access Progress Part 2 by jett400
- Rule Britannia but you're defending the ROJ Beaches by Sommedude_111
- Kulan Ku-101 by 0mniscience
- I do not comply to the laws of physics by ARCEUS_MASTER
- WWII by 0mniscience
- Propaganda by kingofthehill13
- Penumbran Assault by bastion_unit7
- Taking out the trash. by da_boi_99
- Minor Infantry Updates by Sommedude_111
- Sigma | Chatbot by --HyperZ--
- Tank combat 2 / タンクコンバット2 ver.1.1.1 by togohehachiro
- M79 Thumper by Brony_Boy
- Flag for the U.E.F.S by SirCollinHall