akuLkid » Favorites (631)
- Arch Maths [Function Plotter] by JYXScratchStudio
- Naive Buddhabrot by trigophers
- Chess AI by ArnoHu
- 3D Solar System v1.6.1 by scratchscope11
- Atmospheric Spaceflight Demo by scratchscope11
- Luathon v1.07 by MegaEliteCoder
- Case Checker by cool157
- Two fundamental Trigonometry functions remix by Robocamper510
- Gears / Cogs Simulation by TSTD
- How to draw Gears / Cogs shape tutorial by TSTD
- Gears / Cogs Simulation 100 % Pen V2 by -TSTD-
- Cogs by hugmyster
- A Simple Triangle Clip (how it works) by Kouzerumatsu
- Spiraling Mint Lifesavers by uiopscratch327
- Navier Stokes Fluid Simulation by uiopscratch327
- Minecraft clouds concept (100% pen shader) by MonkeyBean2
- Candlestick Grapher (100% pen) by MonkeyBean2
- Fractal Editor (IFS) + save codes (ifs fractal editor) by MonkeyBean2
- 3D raymarcher with "rong" shading + fps-independant* realtime* light and morph and rolling shutter* by MonkeyBean2
- Lorenz Attractor by littlebunny06
- A Goat Is Tied To A Rope by littlebunny06
- Gamma Engine BETA 1.1 by littlebunny06
- RGB Pen gradient remix (gamma correct) by uiopscratch327
- 3D Snake Physics by uiopscratch327
- subdividing terrain renderer by uiopscratch327
- Marching Cubes Caster (kind of) by uiopscratch327
- Out of Phase (Puzzle Game) by uiopscratch327
- Roblox 3D Online v0.3 by TheGoodGuy8000
- The fastest 3D engines on scratch by TheGoodGuy8000
- Lunar 3D Engine v2.1.1 by TheGoodGuy8000
- 3D Platformer Creator by TheGoodGuy8000
- [3.5K Blocks] 100% Pen Graph Creator - 1 Sprite | A Sciencedolphin9 Engine by sciencedolphin9
- Screensaver w/ Interactions by sciencedolphin9
- Plasmo 4drenaline by FaceOs
- Scrap by FaceOs
- Animation Maker by KryptykProductions
- Conway's Game of Life by KryptykProductions
- Elementary Cellular Automata by Wes64
- Rule 73 by Wes64
- Conway's Game of Life by Wes64
- Moo by Wes64
- Portal v4.0 by Colkadome
- Robot Arm^3 by Yllie
- Paint Zoom v1.4 by griffpatch
- Sand and Water v3.3 by griffpatch
- Cycles Raytracer v1.0 by griffpatch
- Level EATEN! - v0.12 by griffpatch
- Massive Multiplayer Platformer v1.3 by griffpatch
- Shunting-Yard Algorithm 3 by MasterOfArithmetic
- Pretty, But Failed Transparent Triangle Filler by Geotale
- Rotating 3D Spirals by Scratch-Minion
- Example: Level Heat Map by kriblo_test
- Excel on scratch! by run_script
- Tic Tac Toe Learning AI by factorx12
- Stretch sprite - Custom Width and Height - improved by ChromeCat_test
- Double Pendulum by proprogrammer44
- Inverse Kinematics by xXName77Xx
- Verlet Integration (demo) by xXName77Xx
- Escape the Lab 3D by BamBozzle
- Perlin Noise 3D Terrain Engine by BamBozzle