amgus_1108 » Shared Projects (50)
- Mercury and Earth by amgus_1108
- 2 player fighting game by amgus_1108
- Space Dash (prototype) by amgus_1108
- Gravity Test by amgus_1108
- Shape painter by amgus_1108
- goofy "physic engine" by amgus_1108
- house thingy (school project) by amgus_1108
- One long night at Scratch Cat by amgus_1108
- Hider & Seeker by amgus_1108
- number guessing by amgus_1108
- Lil Coop by amgus_1108
- particle system :) by amgus_1108
- Squaroid alpha by amgus_1108
- drawing thing by amgus_1108
- This is technically AI by amgus_1108
- AI Ecosystem by amgus_1108
- Eterreem Simulator by amgus_1108
- Islander by amgus_1108
- HALLWAYS [Alpha v0.5] by amgus_1108
- jupiter is cold by amgus_1108
- bad physic test by amgus_1108
- floppa by amgus_1108
- raise a coco but better by amgus_1108
- flying cat by amgus_1108
- electron & proton demo by amgus_1108
- bouncing dvd logo but not buggy by amgus_1108
- random pong game i made when watching scratch tutorial by amgus_1108
- i dont feel so good... by amgus_1108
- Raise a Floppa [autoclicker!] (WIP) by amgus_1108
- really bad video recorder by amgus_1108
- world generation 2.0 by amgus_1108
- a simple ai movement that doesnt rotate. by amgus_1108
- yasuhati but with cam by amgus_1108
- adware simulator by amgus_1108
- cube. by amgus_1108
- scratchcraft [ BETA ] by amgus_1108
- world generation by amgus_1108
- calculator by amgus_1108
- balancing machine by amgus_1108
- the potion mixer by amgus_1108
- pac-purple by amgus_1108
- when texting app added timeout by amgus_1108
- core:unstable remake by amgus_1108
- math test! by amgus_1108
- whatever #### everything by amgus_1108
- just cat. by amgus_1108
- zombie attack by amgus_1108
- arpoaching enemy by amgus_1108
- triple cell war by amgus_1108
- bounce a ball to a curser by amgus_1108