animate_anything » Studios I Curate (21)
- Griffidays Groups
- Thanksgriffing 2023
- Griffidays (Griffmas) 2023
- Grifftopia Supreme Court(SCOG)
- Armadillo Empire
- Cereal Communists
- Ice water™
- Griffpatcher yearbook vote
- Qtip cinematic universe
- Griffpatcher studio
- The Official Griffpatcher Club
- The potato cult
- The Scratch Bluey Show
- | Griffpatcher Hangout |
- ꧁ GWDFI (Griffpatchers Who Don´t Fit In꧂
- all the merch I've made
- archie
- Food people unite!
- Matthew_K1’s VIP Staff Lounge [RAP]
- The best of Scratch
- borger co. OLD