blobby121212 » Shared Projects (71)
- Create your own cat/dog! Character creator! by blobby121212
- 3D shapes! by blobby121212
- Save the shark by blobby121212
- Lamp light by blobby121212
- All about me webpage by blobby121212
- Falica's dress up! by blobby121212
- Pi counter by blobby121212
- Pixel Blob World by blobby121212
- Pixel Dino Party by blobby121212
- Winter fountain display by blobby121212
- Hi it's me! by blobby121212
- Copycat Chatbot by blobby121212
- Totally Broken Chatbot by blobby121212
- Audition for Rose by blobby121212
- The Magic Hatchling by blobby121212
- How to make a case-proof question Tutorial by blobby121212
- This pup needs you! by blobby121212
- Hooty's mini pet store by blobby121212
- Pet the cat by blobby121212
- Translater horse by blobby121212
- Water Quiz by blobby121212
- Pufferfish chat by blobby121212
- Cuteilizer-5000 (beep bop) by blobby121212
- SIGN THIS TO SAVE THE WHALES! by blobby121212
- Art by blobby121212
- Pray to Ukraine! Remix remix by blobby121212
- heart chase with variables by blobby121212
- Video chat with blobby121212 by blobby121212
- My chatty puppy by blobby121212
- Custom talk! by blobby121212
- Peppa pig- Mr dinosaur by blobby121212
- Pixel art by blobby121212
- Interactive pond by blobby121212
- Happy Mrs Chicken by blobby121212
- Peppa pig- Polly Parrot by blobby121212
- Peppa pig- Muddy puddles by blobby121212
- Fireplace display by blobby121212
- Scratch cat goes walking by blobby121212
- My very first quiz by blobby121212
- Make a smore! by blobby121212
- Winter light display by blobby121212
- How to make a clicker game Tutorial by blobby121212
- Virtual dog simulator by blobby121212
- Virtual unicorn simulator by blobby121212
- Animation by blobby121212
- Messy room by blobby121212
- Pet camp by blobby121212
- DIY project how to make a poppit by blobby121212
- Lost and found by blobby121212
- Walking Girraffe by blobby121212
- Interactive doggy! by blobby121212
- Snake game by blobby121212
- Clicker game by blobby121212
- First storymaker in scratch! by blobby121212
- Typing asmr with quiz by blobby121212
- Marshmallow- An funny animation by blobby121212
- Choose your own ending- Talent show by blobby121212
- Black lives matter! by blobby121212
- Roundmallow's platformer by blobby121212
- Ipad simulator by blobby121212