block976 » Favorites (102)
- UNTITLED - Intro by Craft1000
- object sandwich camp - sign ups by block976
- Achievements (v0.3) by InterestedUser
- Scratchy Adventure by Ricky-Jan
- dot. (1.2) by RandomCoder9910
- T.A.B.O.O. 1B: Gotta Go Fast by -EccentriK-
- T.A.B.O.O. 1A: The Beginning by -EccentriK-
- VAOS 10 - Bread sticks by EPlaysWins
- ☁️ Blocky ✦ Platformer maker online community - share levels online by TimMcCool
- Battle For The Free Condiments - Trailer by SuperHorsey12
- Shape World Ep1 - A Tangled Situation by wsrs
- Vote for my game style! by the_real_shadow
- Will you date me? by -D-Tech-
- The Luckiest Scratcher v1.0 by griffpatch
- Prestigious Combat | NEW Intro (Episode 1+) by PresitigiousCombat
- Find The Markers! [10] by corbinrowe18
- A loop of Beachball from WUT by kids112
- smiley part 5 by highly-suspect
- BFFFW Official Soundtrack - Volume 2 by DatCat11
- BFFFW Ep. 11b - Flip The Script (Part 2) by DatCat11
- ABC 6: The Show Gets a Throw by gusfen
- I'm Back (an explanation of sorts) by DatCat11
- green day by flower guy by unicatdj
- Deltarune Chapter 3 Mike's Big Showdown (Legacy) by Sad_Bread_Official
- Cut the rope v0.7 || Scratch remake by GonSanVi
- CCC 1 - Treasure Hunting by highly-suspect
- CC 1: Rolling Into First Place by jake-es
- Super Mario For Scratch 4 by Brad-Games
- [OLD] WSRS 1: Start Off with a Bang! by FishyKrisps
- TSS 1a: Starting Again [Part 1] by OceanPerson
- MSC BBBB 1a: Small Pilot by bfsl-official
- Graph Test by kids112
- Better Character? remix by Unique_12345
- Better Character? by Noah_Studios_Ofiical
- WUT 1 Preview by kids112
- "Bad apple!!" Using List by TWY_
- Glassy Sprites 2.2.4 by SBOS2
- Scratcher Simulator by puppybros
- BFTBA 2 - "-And we're back!" by FishyKrisps
- AOCA 4: Gem Hero by Little_Ghost_Boy
- Delete people simulator by alxfen
- BFS 14: Finally the Finale by OceanPerson
- BFLH 1 - Punching for Higher Points (Game) by JayLikesBFB
- glitch in the matrix by EPlaysWins
- DDB: How It's Made by petefanboy63
- DatCat11 Rewind 2021 by DatCat11
- Official SOSC 2021 Yearbook by cs963099Jr
- CS's Favorites Voting Ep. 7 by cs963099Jr
- the scratch 3.0 show episode three: rain by zvardin
- the scratch 3.0 show episode two: milk by zvardin
- the scratch 3.0 show episode one: the egg by zvardin
- uos erpisode on1 by WildyOhok
- untitled object show TWO W)O by WildyOhok
- ROD 0a sneakpeek by FredTheBreadTurtle
- What was left of “The Objects” by Craft1000
- BFS 12: News and Nostalgia by OceanPerson
- Answering Your Questions! by OceanPerson
- da advenrturs of da regulr tem! rise of da evl tem! by trippymcflippy
- Deltarune Chapter 2 Full OST by cs3148001