Scratcher Joined 4 years, 9 months ago France
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (29)
View all- Julie et Lalie by clacla2803
- Girl Make Up by clacla2803
- nouvelle outro by clacla2803
- nouvelle intro by clacla2803
- Les maths en drôles by clacla2803
- piano by clacla2803
- vous aimez mes projets ? by clacla2803
- Les blagues des poissons by clacla2803
- Les blagues des dinos 1 by clacla2803
- clacla2803 (remix) remix by clacla2803
- Moi by clacla2803
- Add yourself as a licky cat!!! remix REMIX!!! remix by clacla2803
- Générateur de Chats LGDC remix by clacla2803
- faites pareil ! by clacla2803
- Fin du confinement : danse de la joie ! by clacla2803
- musica by clacla2803
- Super Mario Scratch by clacla2803
- Tu aimes Harry Potter ?? Alors signe !!! remix remix remix remix by clacla2803
- Super Scatch by clacla2803
- les blagues trop nulle : Spécial blagues de Toto by clacla2803
Favorite Projects
View all- ✦Platformer✦ -Black V/S White- || #games #all by mayaf2008
- ⨠ Paris || A platformer by kikipros
- Nail Art Simulator by Embertail
- Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
- nouvelle outro by clacla2803
- nouvelle intro by clacla2803
- piano by clacla2803
- clacla2803 (remix) remix by clacla2803
- vous aimez mes projets ? by clacla2803
- Les blagues des dinos 1 by clacla2803
- Les blagues des poissons by clacla2803
- Dooms ou Sora ? by lilice25
- Moi by clacla2803
- La blague d'Harry by SuperPapaMat
- Ballons by liloocla439
- Add yourself as a licky cat!!! remix REMIX!!! remix by clacla2803
- LASERS || a mobile platformer by dn_scrtch
- Slither.YO by remixsuper
- Générateur de Chats LGDC_ La Guerre des Clans by _Etoile_Espoir_
- battle ship online #game by maDU59_
Studios I'm Following
View all- Tirage au sort pour mes abonnés !
- Add as Many Projects as you possibly can!
- Games !
- Aur-Studio
- The VIDEOGAMES studio
- #équitation
- scratch kat projects
- Studio petitemesange smalltit studio
- Le clan de l’océan ( reap..)
- Clacla jeu de poursuite Studio
- Scratch skate ep3
- claclafilm studio
- Le ministère de la magie
- Fan club LilyPotter2009
- Le studio des "Signe et Remix !"
- Les VIP de Scratch
- the profile picture contest.
- Ness86 Fan club
- raffle 3.
- Merci à mes 50 followers !!!!!!!!!
Studios I Curate
View all- Tirage au sort il reste 19 chiffres
- Animations en folie !!! (ouvert à tous)
- Vos meilleurs projets
- Républikeu dé fôte d'aurtograffe ( big bamboula ! )
- Uhr / Clock
- PUBG studio
- The Reporters
- concour follow
- Plus rien, faites ce que vous voulez
- (Mahdi-Animations) Fan Club
- Le studio CONTRE (Ouvert à tous)
- Intro / Entry / Outro
- 1k loves contest
- Harry Potter
- my new game :)
- This site is revolutionary
- Justin2978, Fan club!
- Longest Comment Chain!
- Pub pour mon projet Google Traduction!
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