coxinha600 » Shared Projects (24)
- game speed by coxinha600
- Base project by coxinha600
- Untitled-12 by coxinha600
- World’s Best Clicker(said one person ever) by coxinha600
- Untitled-9 by coxinha600
- Christmas tree by coxinha600
- calc by coxinha600
- # list by coxinha600
- triangle by coxinha600
- algebra Ax+B=C solver by coxinha600
- highscore by coxinha600
- functions prac by coxinha600
- Wednesday function by coxinha600
- Intro to functions by coxinha600
- Grade Calculator by coxinha600
- bargraqphs by coxinha600
- list project by coxinha600
- Maze Project by coxinha600
- Untitled-7 by coxinha600
- Untitled-8 by coxinha600
- quadrent by coxinha600
- bullseye it's very slow by coxinha600
- intro to scratch copy by coxinha600
- intro to scratch by coxinha600