creativekiwi » Favorites (21)
- ••cow platformer•• by coffeeecow
- cradles by yunnie2005
- bitmap scratch shiba speed draw by yunnie2005
- Power Tower! - Chaotic Jam Entry #CGJ by -TestMangoes-
- Nerd’s Trumpet Parade by -NerdAnimator-
- Super Mario Bros. for Scratch by BirdNani
- Minecraft Adventure by F_The_Best
- Donut marriage:) by GirlsgotSkillz
- [Read all of the Desc.] But If You Close Your Eyes by -PhantomAnimations-
- World a multiplayer scrolling platformer powerup by CMlukian
- Biomes // v0.1 [Really Hard Platformer :P] by INorth
- Famous Scratchers Interview || Thoughts on Changing Username || #Games #All by Tech-Coder
- Ninja Mission #games by kevtheguy
- spooky scary skeletons // [original meme] by potatobear616
- red sus (among us animation) by potatobear616
- mission escape || a platformer by mGR8T
- berd pfp trend! by bookdog17
- Flappy Bird by MidnightWoIf
- renewel of life/animation by creativekiwi
- Tears - Animation Loop by CatClimber
- kiwi intro by creativekiwi