elXDON » Shared Projects (17)
- el proyecto que ise con derecsito no finalizasdo by elXDON
- --------IN CONSTRUCTION ---- ONLY CREATOR------------- by elXDON
- Untitled-20 by elXDON
- blan army remix super harcore UGUUUUUUUUUUNT by elXDON
- dragonfly by elXDON
- Just Shapes And Beats - Destroid : Annihilate remix remix by elXDON
- no esta finalizado pero bueno no tengo el hitbox xc ni el juguador by elXDON
- Close to me - JSAB remix-2 by elXDON
- perretes 2 by elXDON
- JSAB Long Live The New Fresh V1.1.1 remix-2 remix by elXDON
- [3D]Baldi's Basics Map [BETA] remix by elXDON
- Boss: Master Gear (Experimental JSAB boss battle) remix by elXDON
- Just Shapes And Beats - Spider Dance (V1.0) remix by elXDON
- spider dance (incompleto) by elXDON
- unfinished animation by elXDON
- this isnt a game but objetive aboid the pink by elXDON