frankoceanlvr15 » Studios I Curate (18)
- ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ my honeybuns
- the bricks to my basement
- (˘ ˘ ◌) ivy's ⸝⸝ desc .. orders ୭୧
- ✦ sweetayous . ഒ ᵗʰᵉ café̲ ⟢ ๑๑
- ੭ t͟r͟i͟n͟k͟e͟t ︵︵ shop ꒱
- ꒰⠀꩜ㅤfrᜊყo⠀⠀๑⠀ fa͟n͟t͟a͟sყ⠀⠀❕
- ໒ྀི p͟u͟d͟d͟i͟n͟g͟ ㅅ sh◌ppᥱ !! ⿻
- ꒰ྀི ◞◟꒱ྀི mყ ෧ ⏖ pikmin . ⟢ ू
- annoying bums
- ㅅ cafe c◌uture ❕ ꒰◌ ◞ ◟꒱
- ★ the wave 2 my earth ꜝꜝ
- design comm #2
- ° . ˚ ❛ ᑲᥣι᥉᥉fᥙᥣ ᥲᥙrᥲ᥉ 。ᥴ᥆꧑꧑ ˖◞
- ︵⠀⠀ֶ֢⠀⠀sunoopy⠀⠀⠀⠀⌒⠀⠀cafe⠀˚ㅤ♡ㅤ
- the ohio to my still water to my ksi to my prime
- ꒰ㅤthe frank to my ocean
- ៸ ᥱᥴᥣᥲιrᥱᥒᥴér ᨓ hiᥣls (DONT LEAVE :))
- ♪ᭂ⠀ᘓノ⠀PℰTAL ‘s⠀ ..⠀ ︵ DISTRICT ꜝ