gisel_665 » Shared Projects (51)
- Teacher Appreciation Week by gisel_665
- My scratch impact game by gisel_665
- Debug-It 4.5 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 4.3 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 4.4 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 4.2 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 4.1 remix by gisel_665
- Untitled-23 by gisel_665
- Untitled-25 by gisel_665
- Untitled-24 by gisel_665
- Untitled-22 by gisel_665
- Untitled-21 by gisel_665
- Untitled-20 by gisel_665
- Pong Starter remix by gisel_665
- Maze Starter remix by gisel_665
- Fish Chomp with Score remix by gisel_665
- Fish Chomp - Starter Project remix by gisel_665
- Wild digital pet by gisel_665
- TELLING a STORY using Translate and animation by gisel_665
- scratch cat doing a flip! by gisel_665
- Translation project by gisel_665
- TELLING a SRORY using text-to Speech by gisel_665
- Debug-It 3.5 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 3.4 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 3.3 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 3.2 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 3.1 remix by gisel_665
- Scratch Scenes by gisel_665
- Penguin Jokes Incomplete remix by gisel_665
- Broadcast Blocks by gisel_665
- Make a block by gisel_665
- Music Video by gisel_665
- Debug It! 2.5 remix by gisel_665
- Debug It! 2.4 remix by gisel_665
- Debug it! 2.3 by gisel_665
- Debug It! 2.1 by gisel_665
- Miss Meador by gisel_665
- Untitled-8 by gisel_665
- orange square,purple circle by gisel_665
- Build A Band by gisel_665
- All about me by gisel_665
- Debug-It 1.4 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 1.5 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 1.3 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 1.2 remix by gisel_665
- Debug-It 1.1 remix by gisel_665
- Use arrow Keys by gisel_665
- backdrop by gisel_665
- 10 Blocks by gisel_665
- Untitled by gisel_665
- Scratch Surprise by gisel_665