Scratcher Joined 8 months, 1 week ago United States
About me
PvZ is awesome math sucks
What I'm working on
Might leave because of the scratch team soon.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (69)
View all- Don’t click the wing! by greensackgames
- Scratch cat in 4 different styles by greensackgames
- The special forces by greensackgames
- Happy Birthday by greensackgames
- Sad green guy by greensackgames
- Hello by greensackgames
- My Art by greensackgames
- Make Your Own Scratch License by greensackgames
- Happy Halloween! by greensackgames
- The monster by greensackgames
- Join Sticky Team! remix by greensackgames
- UPDATE ON MY NEW GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by greensackgames
- Hello I am running off with the cheese by greensackgames
- Catch that Kale remix by greensackgames
- Car Physics Engine (v1.0) remix by greensackgames
- Help Stop Bullying. Remix This remix remix ur mom remix by greensackgames
- Thank You so much for 47 followers I really appreciate it! by greensackgames
- Stretchy guy by greensackgames
- running little broski by greensackgames
- Skeleton bounce by greensackgames
Favorite Projects
View all- Tyreek Hill - (the box) by itstimetogriddy
- mass reporting me in 2023 is beyond outlandish by 6flagsgreatadventure
- The Whackjaw in Power by Bad_Gamestudios
- I’M A SCRATCHER NOW by Moist_Alt
- _╔┓┏╦━━╦┓╔┓╔━━╗ ║┗┛║┗━╣┃║┃║┏┓║ ║┏┓║┏━╣┗╣┗╣┗┛║ ╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩━━╝ by Banana_Peely2013
- Platformer by THE-MAN-CERG
- Scratch Cat Clicker by THE-MAN-CERG
- are you the goat? by juliandragon18
- Scratch Cat Edit by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
- I need help please. by Rippley_Da_Noob
- cat laughing at you (extremely loud) by ttvbreadfn
- Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
- Seven stages of grief by bobiscool378
- remix this into anything you want!!! by NcS069
- Cookie Clicker 3001 by TheGamer_God2022
- Bouncing Ball by TheGamer_God2022
- ToT by -Sky-guy56-
- Escape KFC Demo #all #games by DaChickenMeat
- My first animation [very bad] by IDKIFYOUKNOW
- reeses puffs by pizzaronii
Studios I'm Following
View all- Help @This_Coder_Exists win the race!
- Da Best studio
- 2000 projets,1960 curateur et 40 gestionaires
- ⭐The failed strangers team⭐ (joke) #all
- The very best studio in scratch
- What Even Is This Thing Anymore
- Da Boys
- Clorox is Healthy
- The funny funny Funyuns
- Reeses Puffs
- Follow if you like Reeses
- A chocolate cake for Fernjake
- ||Art||
- Five Nights At Culvers Saga
- Free Follows!!!Join NOW!(sure)(100% free)(NO joke)
- Help @Some_one132 Win The Race!
- Hangout room
- [NEW ANIMATION] Shrek (watch)
- 1996 shrek
Studios I Curate
View all- Help @This_Coder_Exists win the race!
- All the Scratchers that I know
- Da Best studio
- 2000 projets,1960 curateur et 40 gestionaires
- ⭐The failed strangers team⭐ (joke) #all
- The very best studio in scratch
- Autumn Evenings
- Wizard Council
- What Even Is This Thing Anymore
- ⭐なんでもスタジオ
- The Soup Cult
- Partymonkey clan
- the best games by the best scratchers
- American
- The Video Studio
- Skeleton. Just Skeleton
- Clorox is Healthy
- Scratch Studio (SSS)
- CheesyBurger's Friends/Fans Studio
- Help @Some_one132 Win The Race!
View allFollowers
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