henzo2013 » Favorites (66)
- Which scratch cat is better by sonicfan2593
- Do you hate A-183 by Randomguy110814
- U Section new concept + 4 fanmade + 5 x variant by a_sad_account
- Y E A H ! by Pottzz
- br by Pottzz
- by Pottzz
- SN-10 by -G-55-
- *slowy fades into existance* by VOLTGONE
- jaold meets w-60 by SonicDog8
- Bite. by VOLTGONE
- nuh uh by Pottzz
- CB-40 Animation by DeviousCreeper92
- Project #10: Entity Chase by mastery-learnin-facs
- bro is too hungry. by VOLTGONE
- I-111 by gamer4life_Scratch
- CC-15 by MadoyTheCat
- Teaser by The_Scratch_Dude2
- A-15 but the music is reversed by MadoyTheCat
- Welcome! by MadoyTheCat
- A-15 by MadoyTheCat
- Upcoming Items in Expanded Rooms by loosh24Ge
- BullyMan by henzo2013
- If I Was A Billy Rip Off [A-378] (Endless) by henzo2013
- If I Was A Billy Rip Off [A-378] (Endless) remix by pumpkin754
- I'll Turn Your OC into a popsicle thing! (REOPENNED!!!) remix by henzo2013
- HNZ-221 by The_Scratch_Dude2
- ROOMS: Low Detailed, Happyman by Alfefidusen
- the first ever PM entity by KidMakesStuff
- A-357 by HenryRoblox9212
- VT-10 by Farhja1
- T-60 by henzo2013
- CT-10 by henzo2013
- T-135 by Soufianihad
- Fanmade CT-10 by Tutuco2021
- BIRD PROJECT by henzo2013
- Raise a A-200 PT2! by AlexyIsCheese
- The Billy Colors by ZephyrWasHere
- Exits - Parrysol by hootblueowl
- This user plays Roblox by Usercard
- This User Loves Chickens by henzo2013
- This user likes chicken nuggets by peechan_2020
- A-270 by 20_Dylan_15
- A-475 (READ INSTRUCTIONS) by eriksurtout
- A-475 showcase by eriksurtout
- epic submit by CodingPrince1210
- Old Expanded Rooms Fangame with Memes. by INTERMINABLEROOMSfen
- A-181 by superbooooi
- The Smile Rooms Submissions - P-360 (RECODED) by henzo2013
- P-432 by anaverageroomsfan
- The Smile Rooms Submissions remix by anaverageroomsfan
- The Smile Rooms Submissions remix-2 by anaverageroomsfan
- The Smile Rooms Submissions by loosh24Ge
- Expanded Rooms Entity Guide by loosh24Ge
- C-60/B'-60 hahaha slight remake by a_sad_account
- b-60/A-60' slightremake by a_sad_account
- D-60/C'-60 remake by a_sad_account
- Ice Cream Head by ChasesInsaneFortnite
- ☁️ Fall Guys - Part 2 by Crimson-Code