imiddlesd » Favorites (107)
- Space Zombies by Chico90601
- m&m translator by s92726
- Neural Network AI Creatures by SpicyMelon
- Virus Simulator (Social Distancing) by jamesemley
- Ecology Simulation by jamesemley
- Projectile by xiaoyu2006
- ✨Cyber Bullying Animation✨ by Luna_Earhart
- Music Tiles by JimmyC
- COVID-19 Sim (Customizable) by Johnalz
- Count from 1 to 10 in any language by marcgr
- Let's Protect the Right to Vote! by mres
- smart fan by coding4kidsiraq
- Coin Flips (Probability) by JimmyC
- Epidemic Simulation by mres
- Grade 2 Spelling oy / oi by mstone326
- Automated Resource Gathering Robot by Rattapoom_K
- Cats Make A Deal by BruceBrit
- Virus finder by Fireninjaateach
- Covid-19 - Take out the virus together! (Breakout) by YikhuiNg
- coronavirus contagios by zigmandelperu
- Cat virus simulator by nhs42
- Corona Virus Simulator by PalelevaPingviini
- Hangman [For remixing] by RokCoder
- Disease Simulation 2.1 by 12_lassy
- Water Cycle Simulation by cs182929
- Growing pattern with translations / coordinates by JimmyC
- Taco Defense - Speed Typing by mstone326
- Rock, Paper, Scissors remix by brinall
- DNA replication by CastillejaSTEM
- Teach Phil to eat - completed by myocyte
- Spirograph Designer by alphabetica
- Science Animation! For Science! by SEFox19
- Evolution by NimaiMalle
- Spelling Game (4th Grade, #3) by srearley
- Catch The Pumpkins! by brinall
- Scrolling Tutorial 2 by ipzy
- Photosynthesis Simulation© by aojua
- Photosynthesis simulation by Sorry6R
- Rocket Simulation by PullJosh
- Debug Activity: Orchard Game remix by leighmurrell
- Law of Large Numbers - Rolling Dice by brinall
- Square Drawing by rielsla
- Science Time With Professor Bobo: Chicken Motives by Hobson-TV
- Greenhouse effect. FOR SCHOOL!!! by mowiziard
- Seymour Papert, Grandfather of Scratch by mres
- Growing Patterns With Makey Makey by brinall
- optical reflection by abhayjoshi
- cycle-power by abhayjoshi
- Pong game V2! by imiddlesd
- Cookie Clicker by 45680
- Scratch Mini Games by Ellesong
- Newton Night Rises by imiddlesd
- Robo Cop Final by imiddlesd
- Nicolaus Copernicus by imiddlesd
- Tennis Ball Maze by imiddlesd
- Nicolaus Copernicus Quiz by imiddlesd
- Buoyancy by imiddlesd
- Gravity Scratch Project by imiddlesd
- The Life Of Fish by imiddlesd
- Thin Ice Demo by tagggz