jakethenerd » Shared Projects (19)
- Orange Out Foundation by jakethenerd
- MIT: The Animated Coded Epic Animated Movie Part one by jakethenerd
- Doggie V.S Kitty ULTRA Full Release by jakethenerd
- Spaceship V.S Scratch by jakethenerd
- CRazy Wars II : Crazy Heros by jakethenerd
- Scratch Wars by jakethenerd
- Tacos: The Return Part 1 by jakethenerd
- TACOS 6: The WEIRD one! by jakethenerd
- Ninja Kitty 4 by jakethenerd
- Week one: Scratch LOVES to read! by jakethenerd
- Happy Birthday Scratch by jakethenerd
- The Hobbit Episode one: Battle of Smaug by jakethenerd
- Week two: Hobbits for sale!!!! by jakethenerd
- Week two: Doge them TACOS!!!! by jakethenerd
- Fashion Innovation Starter Project remix by jakethenerd
- Week three: TACOS: Meat Mania by jakethenerd
- Tacos 3: THE END!!!!!!!!!!): by jakethenerd
- Tacos 3: After Math by jakethenerd
- Tacos 2. by jakethenerd